The peal map doesnt appear to work any more.

Q. The peal map renders with a message similar to: "The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. The provided API key is invalid."
A. Google now charges for its mapping API, so you have to provide a google API key to any requests. Duco has registered a free one which allows a limited number of map requests per day. It might be that this key is no longer valid or that the key has expired.
You can request your own here: Google maps platform pricing.
And then you need to change the windows setting where the API key is stored. Using Registry explorer change the value at HKCU\Software\Rocketpole\Duco\GoogleApi. If this sounds too complicated, you probably need to email me to ask me look into the problem.
There is a file in your users temporary directory called "PealMapLink.html", which is the generated url. It might be worth opening that manually to see if that works.