Version history
Go back to downloads to install the latest version
- 14-Nov-2024
- Defect: When "Surprise Surprise Major" exists in database, every surprise major method was replaced with that!
- Defect: Remove commas when importing non UK towers
- Defect: Fix method selection on Peal search
- Improvement: Resolve methods with double barrelled type on download, e.g. "Kent Treble Bob Major"
- Improvement: Suggest ringer names on download, without needing whole peal download and peal ui display
- Improvement: Speed improvements when scrolling between peals in large databases
- Improvement: Show period ringer has rung over, when suggesting ringer replacement on peal UI.
- Improvement: Speed up peal ui ringer resolution
- Improvement: Update dependency: libcpr
- 01-Oct-2024
- Defect: Stop open performance search meaning file needs saving
- Improvement: CSV Export: Add tower dove id and towerbase id; Performance add Ringing World reference and Towerbase Id
- Improvement: Better matching of RW reference, e.g. 1235.1, 1235.0001
- 08-Sept-2024
- Defect: Show method series for one less than the number of bells
- Defect: Couldn't close some dialogs after editing.
- Defect: Clear conductors on download - random conductors were appearing!
- Improvement: Speed improvement to CSV import and showing peals in large databases
- Improvement: Allow filtering on searches, before checking for errors / duplicates - helpful in large databases
- Improvement: Show BB and RW references on peal search
- Improvement: Merge databases - allow towerbase id specific merges
- Improvement: On BB download - without Dove databses locally - save towerbase and dove ids.
- Improvement: Clone tower.
- Improvement: Allow capitalisation of Methods, Ringers and Towers.
- 21-Aug-2024
- Defect: Allow saving of new tower without changes on download
- Defect: Update peal window when ringer name updated
- Defect: Calculate time and length averages, excluding peals without valid time and/or changes
- Improvement: Show bell name on leading bells for a ringer
- Improvement: Name resolution improvement, by first name initials
- Improvement: Speed improvement to Peal window with large numbers of ringers.
- Improvement: Add link to Duco online
- 07-July-2024
- Defect: Crash on tower circling
- Defect: Find towers without Dove Id
- 12-May-2024
- Improvement: Search for tower position, and towers without valid position
- Improvement: Days to circle as years, not just number of days
- Defect: Fix alphabets circling
- Defect: Fix scroll speed on all peals table
- Defect: Stop filters clearing themselves on second open
- Defect: Closing dialogs whilst in edit with top right cross, prevented editing anything else
- 31-Mar-2024
- Improvement: Support BB and RW references on CSV Import
- Improvement: Allow multiline import for footnotes in CSV import
- Improvement: Support difference file encoding on CSV import
- Defect: Reduce the number of rings generated in a tower on import
- 19-Feb-2024
- Improvement: New format for upload of associations & RW editions to bellboard
- Improvement: Layout tweaks to Association report for the LACR
- Improvement: Change number of ringers shown on Peal UI to start to speed it up on large databases
- Defect: Add tenor weight to CSV Export
- Defect: Validating number of ringers in performances
- 04-Aug-2023
- Defect: Fix download of strapper when unrecognised ringer
- Defect: Fix links to RW pages for peals published in the following year
- Defect: Only save pealbase ids if its valid
- Defect: Correct names for quarters in Quarter database
- Improvement: Export to bellboard XML format
- Improvement: Configure peal column layouts
- 31-May-2023
- Defect: Fix crash downloading peal with unrecognised strapper
- Improvement: Improve warning about number of bells in tower and method mismatching
- Improvement: Auto update of BB ids and RW references from BellBoard
- Improvement: Fix and improve layout of print peal search
- Improvement: Improve filters - Add exclude valid
- Improvement: Search for peals with a strapper
- Improvement: Support RW reference format with supplements
- 30-April-2023
- Improvement: Add Bell news or Church bells reference (if in notes field) on peal upload to footnotes
- Improvement: Hide unused columns on peal search and peal table
- Improvement: Opening tower peals in search actually searchs for peals in tower, so re-search works
- Improvement: Anti clockwise towers
- Improvement: Notable peals
- Improvement: Change peal search so it specifically reports tje number of withdrawn peals in the results list
- Improvement: Add linked towers searching on peal search
- Improvement: Save filters even when disabled
- Improvement: Add web reference counting
- Defect: Fix crash where peal composer has less closing brackets than opening brackets
- Defect: Download of handbell performances - Allow method to set all towers with handbell peals, as handbell towers
- 4-April-2023
- Improvement: Support to mark a tower as handbells
- Defect: Fix crash in rendering date for association reports
- 12-March-2023
- Improvement: Change map icons to age since last peal
- Improvement: Improve picture search
- Improvement: Add CompLib links from methods
- Improvement: Clear invalid tenor keys on import
- Improvement: Enable multi process support
- Defect: Fix on this day
- Defect: Peal serach with empty association
- Defect: Add missing controls for unconducted back to Peal UI
- Defect: Performance of peal table
- Defect: Open all peals from Stats dialog
- Defect: Rename bell dialog - change resizing calculations
- Defect: Dove file type
- 1-March-2023
- Improvement: Add links to Ringing World
- Improvement: Search tower by name and town by default
- Improvement: Layout improvement on peal search
- Improvement: Get felstead peal counts for map
- Defect: Start up when maximized - Thanks Paul!
- Defect: Uploading unrecognised association
- Defect: Missing composition ids
- 7-February-2023
- Improvement: Support non human ringers
- Improvement: Improvements to performance map - centring, zoom and linked tower combining
- Improvement: Improvements to performance map - display felstead peal counts
- Improvement: Import semi-tone bells from Dove
- Improvement: Convert to new numeric Dove ids
- Improvement: Add last rung date to tower search
- Improvement: Add days to first tower circle
- Improvement: Clear invalid tenor keys - so they can be re-imported.
- Improvement: Use towerbase ID during bellboard download, to improve reliability of tower download
- Improvement: Improve configuration of association report layout
- Improvement: Improve find association on peal upload
- Defect: Improve tower linking
- Defect: Merging of databases containing method series
- Defect: Convert all fields to support extended characters
- Defect: Blank pictures fixed.
- Defect: Performance of linked tower searching
- Defect: Allow search by an Association, not just a string
- Defect: Increase max DB size warning
- Defect: Remove memory leaks during Dove import
- Defect: Fix semitone bell display
- Defect: Crash on empty field for number of changes
- Defect: Open file in history which is on a file share
- 31-December-2022
- Improvement: To all metrics with Performance counts, also add change and time metrics.
- Improvement: Allow rings in towers to have different tenor keys
- Improvement: Import a peal just by bell board id - no searching required.
- Improvement: Reduce the number of key presses to upload each peal to bellboard
- Improvement: Import tenor keys from Dove
- Improvement: Import a peal just by bell board id - no searching required.
- Improvement: Allow check for latest version from UI.
- Improvement: All Web URLs are configurable
- Improvement: Remove links
- Improvement: More searches - by tenor key, empty Bellboard ID and for spliced methods.
- Improvement: More space on Peal UI for only footnotes or only multi methods.
- Improvement: Update dependency on VC++ redistributables
- Improvement: Update weblinks on databse upgrade
- Improvement: Add support for non human ringers
- Improvement: Support extended characters in all fields - .e.g. tenor weight with 3/4 symbol
- Defect: Database merge - include series, pictures and compositions.
- Defect: Allow new lines in footnotes and multi methods, on upload to bell board.
- Defect: Fix image pasting.
- Defect: Show bells rung from back as well as front again
- Defect: Import a single peal from Bell board search
- Defect: Update Felstead URLs
- Defect: Prevent errors which cause logging, causing exceptions
- Defect: Cancel creation of a new Association
- Defect: Peal table got confused if the peals werent numbered in order
- Defect: Peal map shows linked towers together properly.
- Defect: Paste images with upper case file extension.
- 30-November-2022
- Improvement: Add band stats - so you can see whos rung more in a tower overall
- Improvement: Read new format Dove database file
- Improvement: Support exended characters for all fields, such as sharp and flat symbols
- Improvement: Update Windows SDK version
- Improvement: Easier access to top 5 towers
- Defect: Fixed automatic updating
- Defect: Download of single peals from BellBoard
- Defect: Removed links
- Defect: Better handling of database versions not supported
- Defect: Fix logging to protected directory
- Defect: Allow printing of all ringer counts - not just first page
- 24-September-2022
- Improvement: Add association report
- Improvement: Add support for mapbox for performance maps
- Improvement: Update to net framework 4.8
- Improvement: Update to Chromium 86.0.241 from 81
- Defect: Fix Google maps support
- Defect: Stop switch to Diary search when opening Bellboard
- 6-September-2020
- Improvement: Allow upload to Bellboard
- Improvement: Building with VS2019 - updated SDK / toolset versions
- Improvement: Import bellboard id to existing peals on download from bellboard
- Improvement: Improve importing data from Dove database
- Improvement: Improve Tower ring validation and error display
- Improvement: Update CEFSharp to v81.3.10
- Improvement: Simplify and improve Dove import - API changes
- Improvement: Building with VS2019 - updated SDK / toolset versions
- Defect fix: Print conductor name correctly if they have changed their name - Thanks Ruth C.
- Defect fix: Sorting in Associations statistics
- Defect fix: Importing PBR files with Strappers - Thanks Matt Hilling
- Defect fix: Fix printing peal dates before 1970
- Defect fix: Peal search including linked tower ids
- Defect fix: First performance date on a tower
- Defect fix: Print the correct name for a ringer from a peal when they have changed their name on a date after that peal
- 25-May-2020
- Defect fix: Fix missing tower on download
- Defect fix: Better method and tower resolution on downloads (Engine)
- Defect fix: More startup speed improvements - hopefully less crashes on startup with very large databases
- 18-May-2020
- Duco engine version 2020.5.16
- Defect fix: Opening really large databases crashed occasionally, especially on x86 version
- Defect fix: Crash when scrolling between towers with first rung date
- Improvement: Add on this day menu item.
- Improvement: Performance improvements on opening large databases
- Improvement: Performance improvements on opening the peal table window
- 10-May-2020
- Improvement: Split up the UI and database engine - the engine is going to be released as a nuget package and opened to any bell ringers who want to work on it / consume it.
- Improvement: Significant improvements to peal downloads - performance - reliability - import towers / methods from known dove / method files as it goes. Show in the status panel why its given up and is asking for manual confirmation of a peal import.
- Improvement: Significantly improve Dove import speed - and improve the reliability of tower matching.
- Improvement: Find peals rung on this day in previous years
- Improvement: Add leading bells stats - Which bells in any tower have you rung most peals on.
- Improvement: Peal map uses new Google maps API - and doesn't have annoying 'for development' messages on the page any longer.
- Improvement: Easier to find pictures for towers, if the picture is already associated with a peal.
- Improvement: Allow a composer for a composition who isnt a ringer in the database - Hope this is what you're after Paul M.
- Improvement: Check for duplicate associations and provide mechanism to de-duplicate
- Improvement: Tidy up composition course generation
- Improvement: Improve milestones dialog - and prevent slowness.
- Improvement: Update version of XML parser (Xerces 3.2.3)
- Improvement: Started on much better coverage of unit tests on the engine
- Defect fix: Fix database exporter from Peal search dialog
- Defect fix: General fixes on importing from other formats
- Defect fix: Fix merging databases - resolving associations.
- Defect fix: Removed peal validation - didn't work anyway.
- Defect fix: Fix picture re-indexing - especially in towers where pictures were reallocated to the wrong tower.
- Defect fix: Add missing zeros to graphs to improve the graph display
- Defect fix: Fix import of associations from all other file formats
- Defect fix: Fix import of dates from WikRk v1 files
- Defect fix: Fix display of alphabet completion date
- Defect fix: Defect on opening the peal on-line link - always tried to use PealsCoUk even if only a Bellboard link existed.
- 02-Mar-2020
- Improvement: Add tower summary printout - to find leading towers and stats quickly - to take on a peal trip to Lundy :-)
- Improvement: Add band summary printout - to find leading ringers and stats quickly - to take on a peal trip to Lundy :-)
- Improvement: Add Associations as a type - so there are now links to stats on other websites
- Improvement: Improvements when downloading lots of peals - If a method import has been done in the past, try to import a missing method.
- Defect fix: Fix peal download TSL/SSL error
- Defect fix: Fix method generation on peal download
- Defect fix: Fix method series completion date
- 03-Jul-2019
- Improvement: Reintroduce 32bit, so database files can be imported
- Improvement: Find a representative average peal
- Improvement: Hide strapper check boxes apart from on the back two bells.
- Improvement: Allow setting of browser zoom level
- Improvement: Simplify all filters - use a common dialog.
- Defect fix: Fix adding new ringers to a peal where the new ringer was a strapper.
- Defect fix: Fix saving a peal with an invalid date
- Defect fix: Fix tiny fonts issue in peal download.
- 20-Oct-2018
- Improvement: Add zoom to download peal - Nick C
- 07-Oct-2018
- Improvement: Grey out withdrawn peals in the all peals table.
- Improvement: Simplify saving peals with known errors
- Improvement: Add hand bell selection to months and years stats
- Improvement: Check before importing more than 10 towers from Dove
- Improvement: Speed up deleting all unused objects - like when you have 5000 towers!
- Defect fix: Reintroduce auto selection of tower picture
- Defect fix: Fix pealbase tower URL
- Defect fix: Simplify editing no of bells in a ring.
- Defect fix: Check all peals exist when downloading all peals
- 01-Sep-2018
- Improvement: Added a download multiple peals from search option - made it easier to download lots of peals
- Improvement: Switch to Chrome browser - Added ~40Mb to the download size
- Improvement: Filter tower circling by method
- Defect fix: Printing improvements
- 05-Apr-2018
- Improvement: Remove Campanophile :-(
- Improvement: Save as CSV
- Improvement: Re-implement Bellboard download to use xml format
- Defect fix: Peal map throws errors in MS Internet Explorer - Thanks Kristian
- 21-Apr-2016
- Defect fix: Prevent changing no of bells, when peals already rung on that ring.
- Defect fix: Sort Alphabets methods by date.
- Defect fix: Sort method series in PealUI by name
- Defect fix: Fix crash when modifying a ringer, whilst a peal using that ringer is open.
- Defect fix: Create new ringer in PealUI after declining change to existing ringer.
- 01-Dec-2015
- Defect fix: Missing footnotes from Campanophile download
- Defect fix: Peal map missing some towers
- Defect fix: Fixed update download
- 04-Aug-2015
- Defect fix: Fix bell board changed domain name
- Defect fix: Removed linked towers from tower count on main window
- 16-Jan-2015
- Improvement: Filter peal map by date
- Improvement: Auto population on bell board search for database with default ringer or single tower
- Improvement: Speed improvement to Search dialogs on large result set, but removed column sorting.
- Improvement: Better feedback during Dove search
- Improvement: Add pictures to towers
- Improvement: Scaling pictures to 450x450 pixels
- Improvement: Added more icons to peal map
- Defect fix: Report when no database drivers installed
- Defect fix: Prevent crash in DoveSearch
- Defect fix: Prevent crash in method circling UI
- Defect fix: Fixed icons
- Defect fix: Compositions werent visible!
- Defect fix: Downloading peal with unknown conductor - ringer went missing.
- Defect fix: Memory leak on Peal UI of a picture.
- Defect fix: Prevent re-install of exist version
- Defect fix: Downloading a peal from BB with no time, also removed the date (Thanks Rupert!)
- Defect fix: Better ring matching when downloading peals
- 22-Nov-2014
- Improvement: Added contains series option on Peal Search
- Improvement: Added find duplicates option on Peal Search
- Improvement: Added show all peals in table on opening database
- Improvement: Added MS Visual Studio 2013 redistributables to installer
- 07-Nov-2014
- Improvement: Add Alternative name on Dove import
- Improvement: Add replace all towers to Update options.
- Improvement: Added x64 build
- Improvement: Saving conductor on new peal - conductor can be set before ringer.
- Improvement: During method import from CC XML collection, if method name doesnt exist, use title.
- Improvement: Improve method series guess or generation on Peal dialog
- Improvement: Became a free download
- Defect fix: Prevent a single character added to the Tower Alternative name, matching anything on download from website.
- Defect fix: Fix milestones after 0.1.68 Performance improvements
- Defect fix: Fix crash moving past first or last object.
- Defect fix: Fix dove auto update of abbreviated saints and counties.
- Defect fix: Improve performance of Dove import
- Defect fix: Printing of all peals
- Defect fix: Remove registration - Duco becomes Free.
- Defect fix: Occasional crash on import place notation
- Defect fix: Layout strapper controls correctly on Peal dialog.
- Defect fix: Better ringer suggestion when download peals
- Defect fix: Method series links to peals sometimes became confused.
- 19-Oct-2014
- Improvement: Printing from Tower search, method search or ringer search.
- Improvement: Copy buttons on all search windows
- Improvement: Performance improvements for large databases - or disable features available for slow computers.
- Improvement: Update button on Peal and method search dialogs - if any more fields are required please ask.
- Improvement: Reordering peals on days with lots of peals is now easier.
- Improvement: Remove duplicate methods automatically
- Defect fix: Peal base link on ringers with no link now works!
- Defect fix: Importing from WinRkv3 with no tenor weight specified in a tower.
- Defect fix: Changing the tower on a downloaded peal removed the method.
- 13-Apr-2014
- Improvement: Towers support link to Felstead online.
- Improvement: A picture can be stored with each performance
- Improvement: PealBook import
- Improvement: Save as XML improvements (and simple export for comparison)
- Improvement: Supports minimus in a 5 bell tower
- Improvement: Replace Ringer interface improved to give better feedback
- Improvement: Towers can now be linked together, and some statistics combined.
- Improvement: Double handling error checking
- Defect fix: Fixed crash when downloading some peals from BellBoard
- Defect fix: Renumber dialog works when display on startup
- Defect fix: Entering dove positions manually.
- Defect fix: Re-index could change the conductor if two numerically adjacent people are in the same performance and one was the conductor
- Defect fix: Draw method line from specific bell didn't work on dual hunt methods
- 17-Nov-2013
- Improvement: On download from BellBoard, store both Campanophile and BB reference numbers.
- Improvement: Compositions now support 4ths place calls in 10th places methods.
- Improvement: Added Bells rung dialog.
- Improvement: Year circling now also highlights those days grabbed this year.
- Improvement: Advanced ringers search added to peal search dialog.
- Improvement: Added save to an XML file.
- Improvement: Added peal verification - If peal has a Bell board ID, it can check in against the version on the web for changes / inconsistancies.
- Improvement: Method drawing scaling on method dialog is improved?
- Defect fix: Fix annoying bug where entering X in place notation moves cursor.
- Defect fix: Added .Net framework installer to Duco installer.
- Defect fix: Improved matching of ringer name, when the name doesn't 100% match.
- Defect fix: Double counting of a peal on tower circling dialog where ringer double hands - thanks Clive- the big cheese.
- Defect fix: Tower location can be edited.
- 3-Jul-2013
- Improvement: Method drawings
- Improvement: Initial method series printing
- Improvement: Support multiple tenors covering, e.g. PB Doubles - 678 covering
- Improvement: Switched payments to PayPal
- Improvement: Switched installer to InstallShield
- Defect fix: Importing WinRk V2 quarter peal databases
- Defect fix: Importing selected towers from dove
- Defect fix: Calculation of distance between towers
- 12-May-2013
- Improvement: Inside bell option on alphabets stats (inc detection of principles)
- Improvement: Improved downloading of performances with strappers.
- Improvement: Support Pealbase ringer link by ID or Name.
- Defect fix: Fix display of stage names on Method Stats dialog.
- Defect fix: Tower errors not displayed during validation.
- Defect fix: Ringer count on performances with a strapper.
- Defect fix: Generating alphabets when method id is missing or invalid.
- Defect fix: Opening of files with missing ringers.
- 04-Sep-2012
- Defect fix: Printing conducted stages
- Defect fix: Whitespace detection - And conductors from Bell Board.
- 10-7-2012
- Improvement: Tower detection during downloading peals
- Improvement: Method detection during peal download
- Improvement: Improved Dove search
- Improvement: Show all Ringer AKAs in list boxes
- Improvement: Add Pealbase reference for tower
- Improvement: Add reference for methods
- Improvement: Add recording of peal fees - including searches
- Defect fix: Attempted auto-creation of method series from existing methods
- Defect fix: Corrupt database after viewing timing stats for a single peal.
- 23-May-2012
- Improvement: Import towers from Dove.
- Improvement: Add import from WinRK v1
- Improvement: Improved milestones
- Improvement: TSV import for strappers.
- Improvement: UI improvements to all object dialogs.
- Improvement: Improved method validation.
- Defect fix: General issues with importing from pbr files and WinRK v2
- 5-Apr-2012
- Improvement: Support for auto removal of countries / colleges after names: e.g. Clive Smith (BL)
- Improvement: Moved to the new location of Paul Graupner blue line drawing website
- Improvement: Improved method drawings
- Improvement: Composition support for Befores.
- Defect fix: Auto create of unknown strappers.
- Defect fix: Correctly resolve double barrelled surnames when downloading peals.
- Defect fix: Printing peals missed the tenor ringer - Thanks Paul Mason.
- Defect fix: Support downloading double handled peals from Campanophile.
- Defect fix: Finding order name in unknown method didn't work if it didn't match the case of known orders.
- 26-Feb-2012
- Defect fix: Downloading peal time from Bell Board.
- Defect fix: Re-indexing of strappers.
- 17-Feb-2012
- Improvement: Add setting for disabling intensive CPU operations on slow PCs
- Improvement: Add support for strappers on all bells - Thanks Bristol!
- 12-Feb-2012
- Defect fix: Exporting to RTF missed footnotes.
- Defect fix: Removed spliced from method alphabets.
- Improvement: Add bell board support.
- Improvement: Strip the country / college from ringers when downloading peals.
- Improvement: Convert the place notation from Method master format automatically.
- 29-Dec-2011
- Defect fix: Fixed printing from Method series ringers stats.
- Defect fix: Progress bars on all search dialogs.
- Improvement: Added tower link to
- Improvement: Moved all settings / installation to match windows standards. This means you have to un-install the old versions before updating.
- Improvement: Importing more than one method from CC library at a time is now simpler.
- Improvement: Peal auto create sub objects (ringers, towers and methods) during save with errors.
- Improvement: Added Composition search.
- Improvement: Added Method series search and validation.
- Improvement: Add auto re-index of database.
- Improvement: Add deletion of unused Series and Compositions.
- Improvement: Add link from peal to Composition or Method series.
- Databases Updated: ROBattye, JMThurman, IGCampbell, P & R Curtis, Lundy, Burnley, Heptonstall, Dordrecht and Shipping forecast.
- 29-Oct-2011
- Defect fix: Sorting in Peal search and Peal speed dialogs.
- Defect fix: Importing methods by name.
- Improvement: Remember the last dove filename.
- Improvement: Importing method notation and single method UI improvements.
- Databases Updated: ROBattye, PCurtis, RCurtis, & IGCampbell; Lundy, Burnley, Heptonstall, Dordrecht and Shipping forecast.
- 19-Oct-2011
- Improvement: Added Resolution of more ringers when downloading peals - Simon Reading's suggestion!
- 16-Oct-2011
- Improvement: Added import single method from CC collection
- Improvement: Added support for ringer AKA
- Improvement: Add stats for ringer gender.
- Improvement: Check for newer version.
- Improvement: Added notes for ringers.
- Improvement: Added links to on-line databases for ringers.
- Improvement: Added print to RTF file from peal search dialog.
- Improvement: Check for similar ringer before auto creating them in the peal dialog.
- Defect fix: Add warning dialog when trying to auto create a method whose stage doesn't match the current selected ring.
- 11-Sep-2011
- Improvement: Added AKAs for towers
- Improvement: Tower search can now search by grid ref and distance
- Improvement: Add method circling.
- Improvement: Added warning when indexes need rebuilding.
- Improvement: Un-rung towers can now be mapped.
- Improvement: Added renamed bell names to single tower circling - to make it a bit clearer.
- Improvement: Can now export to CSV file for to import from.
- Defect fix: Admin rights for Windows 7 a bit more improved.
- Defect fix: Couldn't drag and drop in windows 7.
- Defect fix: Peal search dialog only worked on first attempt.
- 31-Jul-2011
- Improvement: Added searching for towers with extra bells.
- Improvement: Check for tower with similar name before creating one from Peal dialog.
- Improvement: Added AKA, tenor key and first rung date to towers.
- Improvement: Added auto replacement of short method types. e.g. "S" with "Surprise".
- Defect fix: Fix crash displaying tower graph when two towers have identical names.
- Defect fix: Fixed display of peals with a strapper.
- 16-Jul-2011
- Improvement: Supports import of Footnotes from CSV.
- Improvement: Check for a similar tower before creating a new one in the Peal dialog.
- Defect fix: Fix crash displaying tower graph when two towers have identical names.
- Defect fix: Fixed display of peals with a strapper.
- Databases Updated: CGSmith, GHCampling, IGCampling, JMThurman, MDWarburton, ROBattye, PFCurtis, PCampling, RCurtis, SDWoof and Heptonstall, Lundy, and Northampton All SS.
- 26-Jun-2011
- Improvement / Defect fix: Improved performance downloading - Thanks for the suggestion Daniel.
- Improvement: Warning when database re-index is required.
- Improvement: Dove import now checks for matching tenor weight by KG as well as Lbs.
- Databases Updated: Burnley, Dordrecht, Shipping forecast, CGSmith, EOMarchbank, GHCampling, IGCampbell, JMThurman, ROBattye, RCurtis, SDWoof.
- 18-Jun-2011
- Improvement: Added support for gender of ringers - Additional statistic generation to come later.
- Improvement: Added ringer validation & simplified validation of other objects.
- Improvement: Alphabets stats can now show more than one, conducted, and both dates and method names.
- Defect fix: Fixed minor defects on TowerUI
- 04-Jun-2011
- Improvement: Moved to Xerces XML Processing library - big improvement over MS XML.
- Defect fix: After renumbering, doesn't report save required unless changes actually made.
- Defect fix: Compositions show the same (home) part end in edit and view modes.
- 30-May-2011
- Improvement: Supports updated Campanophile performance format.
- Defect fix: Title when printing conductors who have circled a tower.
- 22-May-2011
- Improvement: Added a stage and ring selector to the Single Tower circling stats dialog.
- Improvement: Added a first and last peal date to the single Tower, Ringer and Method stats dialog.
- Improvement: Slightly improved the method drawings on larger numbers.
- Defect fix: Fixed crash opening a single peal from the single ringer UI stats dialog.
- 20-May-2011
- Improvement: Import from CSV files - this is configurable
- Defect fix: Drawing a new method as a 'long line' doesn't draw the treble.
- Defect fix: Cannot remember the registration key on windows7.
- 22-Apr-2011
- Improvement: Import from Pealbase (.pbr & tsv) files.
- Improvement: Support for peal links with
- Improvement: Add graph to show unique number of towers, methods and ringers
- Improvement: Validate all methods
- Database updates: ROBattye, PFCurtis, RCurtis, CGSmith, GHCampling, PCampling, IGCampbell, JMThurman & SDWoof, & Burnley, Dordrecht, Heptonstall & Shipping forecast databases updated.
- 17-Apr-2011
- Improvement: Added years, stages, 10 ten ringers or top 10 tower graphs.
- Improvement: Improved and combined the year / month stats dialogs.
- Defect fix: Fixed a couple of rare crashes.
- Database updates: SDWoof, PFCurtis, RCurtis, JMThurman, GHCampling, PCampling, ROBattye, Lundy & Shipping forecast databases updated.
- 01-Apr-2011
- Improvement: Support for Withdrawn or false peals - leave them in your records, but they don't count in statistics.
- Improvement: In quarter peal databases: time is now an optional field.
- Improvement: In quarter peal databases: all references to peals should now read quarters or performance.
- Defect fix: Copying in Peals is now possible for the RW and campanophile references fields.
- Database updates: CGSmith, Dordrecht, GCCampling, PCampling, JMThurman and ROBattye databases updated.
- 12-Mar-2011
- Improvement: Added downloading Quarter peals.
- Improvement: Improved merging from other Duco databases.
- Database updates: PFCurtis, RCurtis and IGCampbell databases updated.
- 26-Feb-2011
- Improvement: Added support for compositions - more to come.
- Improvement: Added printing from Method series completion dialog.
- Database updates: ROBattye, CGSmith, IGCampbell, PFCurtis, Heptonstall, Shipping forecast and Burnley databases updated.
- 03-Jan-2011
- Improvement: Import all tower details from Dove.
- Improvement: Added support for Bob and Singles in the method drawing, and generation of all changes - See File->Preferences->Methods, "Show all bells", and "Show callings".
- Improvement: Improved windows 7 support, but not entirely resolved preferences support - more to come.
- Database updates: ROBattye, CGSmith, IGCampbell, PFCurtis, Heptonstall, Shipping forecast, Burnley and Dordrecht databases updated.
- 22-Nov-2010
- Improvement: Map of towers where peals have been rung.
- Improvement: Summary now shows most distant peals.
- Database updates: ROBattye, CGSmith, IGCampbell, JMThurman, PFCurtis, Burnley, Dordrecht and Lundy databases updated.
- 21-Nov-2010
- Defect fix: Improved importing from WinRk v2, where peals contain the wrong number of ringers for the method or tower.
- Improvement: Added Importing Dove references and tower locations.
- 11-Nov-2010
- Improvement: Handbell checkbox on fastest / slowest peals dialog.
- Improvement: Total statistics on peal search dialog.
- Improvement: To UI flow when registering to diagnose problems.
- 07-Nov-2010
- Improvement: Added stats to peal search window
- Improvement: Added total peal length stats to ringers window
- 24-Oct-2010
- Improvement: Performance & reliability improvements to importing from WinRk files
- Defect fix: Fixed day ordering dialog
- 19-Oct-2010
- Improvement: Importing from WinRk v2
- 20-Sep-2010
- Improvement: Improved sorting in many stats dialogs
- Improvement: Display ringers who have rung methods in series.
- Defect fix: OrderUI - lists order names correctly.
- Database updates: Shipping forecast series, Lundy, RO Battye, IG Campbell and JM Thurman databases updated.
- 09-Sep-2010
- Improvement: Printing from Year & Tower circling.
- Defect fix: MethodSeries couldn't sort by date or open methods directly.
- 07-Sep-2010
- Improvement: Added performance stats dialog to methods.
- Defect fix: Opening older databases occasionally caused corruption.
- 03-Sep-2010
- Improvement: Print all peals and print database summary.
- Defect fix: Minor improvements to peal printing, and numeric entry fields.
- Database updates: Dordrecht, Burnley, RO Battye and JM Thurman databases updated.
- 28-Aug-2010
- Improvement: Database engine speed improvements.
- 18-Aug-2010
- Improvement: Added support for Method Series.
- 14-Jul-2010
- Improvement: Added tower links to Dove.
- 07-Jul-2010
- Improvement: Added listing of all ringers who have circled a tower.
- 04-Jul-2010
- Improvement: Added statistic generation: Alphabets.
- Improvement: Methods, Ringers and Towers now given a 'rank' in stats dialogs - Thanks Clive good suggestion.
- Defect fix: Merging peal databases lost the conductors occasionally.
- 18-Jun-2010
- Defect fix: Couldn't import WinRK databases that contained towers with no rings - caused a crash - Thanks Spot!
- 14-Jun-2010
- Improvement: Added support for Quarter peal databases.
- 11-Jun-2010
- Improvement: Added UI support for unlimited numbers of ringers.
- Improvement: Removed modal dialogs.
- Improvement: Added support for Ringing World references.
- Improvement: Improved support for extra bells, e.g. flat 6th.
- Defect fix: Downloading a peal and automatically creating a new method doesn't appear to work.
- Defect fix: Cancelling find mode in Tower dialog results in missing "edit" button.
- Defect fix: Improved support in Validate peals.
- 24-May-2010
- Improvement: Added peal speed stats for a single peal.
- Defect fix: Tidied up method drawing